Kinder Erziehung

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Friday26 April 2024


Hominian action-Relation to other people

Relation to other people

What is the person's human relationship to other citizenry?

American cultivation views individualism and perceives fulfilment as derived by individualal accomplishment.


Marken- und Firmennamen-Positive Aspekte

Positiver Aspekte aus der Kombination von Firmennamen und Produktnamen

Mittels der Kombination des Organisationsnamens mit einzelnen Produktbegriffen soll bewirkt werden, dass der Fabrikant mit seinem Ruf das neue Erzeugnis gewissermaßen 'legimitiert', während die speziellen Bezeichnungen dem Fabrikat einen maßgeschneiderten Charakter verleiht.


Merchandising and Approval Marketing

Marketing with content is the antidote to preferring out; it adds measure to people’s lives separate to purchase - which, as it turns up , is far more than possible to gain their business and their cooperation. It’s marketing that is oftentimes more significant than the merchandise it intends to deliver. Here, a relation:

Direct Merchandising


Anthropomorphic activeness-Relation to the people

Relation to other people
What is the person's human relationship to other people?

North American culture considers individualism and realises satisfaction as attained by personal achievement.


Future and Anthropomorphic activeness

Human relationship to other people
What is the individual's relation to other citizenry?

U.S. culture evaluates individuality and comprehends fulfilment as obtained by personal accomplishment. Maximizing one's possibilities and capabilities transmutes to a mental duty.


Lernen ohne Gedanken, ist vergeudete Arbeit; Denken, ohne zu lernen, ist gefährlich. Konfuzius


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